Gruppetto Explained

Gruppetto Cycling Tours was formed from friendship, a passion for cycling, a love of food and wine, and the desire to ride (and share) some of the worlds best roads.

In cycling terminology, The Gruppetto is the name given to the cyclists in a road race who form a large group well off the back of the main peloton. This group works together to help each other get to the finish inside the time cut.

"Due to the common interest in survival, the mood in the Gruppetto has a greater sense of camaraderie than in the main peloton. Riders often assist one another with food and drinks despite riding for separate teams. It is sometimes referred to as "the laughing group".

It seemed an apt name for a bunch like us. It suits our personalities and the kinds of rides we hope you’ll share with us.

Our Team

  • Trent Wilson

    Former professional cyclist and self-confessed ‘Dream Liver‘. Trent, known affectionally as ‘Willo’, has seven years experience racing as a professional, which included stints in Europe and the US and completing the Giro d’Italia twice. Willo loves a Vino Rosso & has a wealth of experience and knowledge to share with Grupetto guests

  • Matty Xavier

    Semi retired dabbler, thats passionate about all things cycling. Loves Italy and all that it offers. Matty plans the logistics of our tour, be it arranging accommodation or designing the kit.

  • Simon Hammond

    We've put Simo as Head of Guest Relations. Passionate about cycling, Italy & people. Loves a hard earned Menebrae Beer & with Matty, relishes the 'Sweeper' role - helping to encourage & support people up some of those 'box ticker' climbs.

  • Josh Nicholls

    Josh is another keen cyclist & passionate about our adopted homeland of Italy. Highlighted by his incredible Bianchi & fondness for an Aperol Spritz. Along with Willo, Josh leads the group on the road.

  • Dave Sheerman

    Dave's our resident image maker. Often found in the best locations in Italy, bringing incredible photos and footage that help our guests remember the trip for years to come.

Meet Mama Rita


When in Italy, Gruppetto base themselves in Cossato, a province of Biella, in the northwest part of Piedmont.
Here at Albergo Ristorante Tina, a small family-owned hotel restaurant located a few km from the Biellese prealps, Trent spent his formative years in pro-cycling. Mama Rita & her wonderful family are no strangers to cycling, having provided a home away from home for many pro’s including Michele Scarponi & Egan Bernal.

Gruppetto Cycling Tours have been welcomed with open arms to Albergo Tina & we are so thankful for the beautiful relationships we have formed with the entire family. We cant wait to to get there again….